Friday, January 13, 2012

Dr. Update

So yesterday was my last follow-up for my molar pregnancy (hopefully...fingers crossed on that one). I had blood drawn and provided my numbers are still negative my Dr. cleared us to start trying again on my next cycle. I will call for my results on Tuesday, but there is no reason to think that my numbers have risen given my cycles being regular still.

Funny story though was that the Dr. thought I was slacking and never got my last blood drawn. I told her that I went when the nurse told me and that I thought I was having one that day at the appointment. You have got to love the miscommunication sometimes. Thankfully, I really loved my OB during my m/c (I had only seen the nurse practitioner before then) because otherwise I don't think I would stick with them. I also want to add a disclaimer that the appointment made me think I know more of the research on molar pregnancy than she does, which is fine (with it being so rare I wouldn't expect her to know a ton) but still weird.

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